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8 semanas (2009)

8 semanas (2009)

Alejandro Montiel,Diego Schipani


8 semanas (2009) is a Spanish movie. Alejandro Montiel,Diego Schipani has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. 8 semanas (2009) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Behind the curtains of a stage musical, based in the songs of Raffaella CarrĂ¡, a group of human beings comes and goes The characters driving the story are funny and tragic: the neurotic stage director, the "diva-style" leading actor, the drunk acting coach, a dancer (and compulsive drama queen), two actress who hate each other on stage and in real life, a pathetic Don Juan and some other few who live in the crazy world of the movie. 8 weeks is the first Argentinean Musical Documentary, mixing comedy, fiction and mockumentary Every show mirrors what's left behind curtains and everything happening behind curtains could be a show as well. You shouldn't believe everything you see and, at the same time, all you see is true. 8 weeks is a movie shot during a season of a real Musical and takes shape as a movie when it makes "the idea of representation" the main topic of its own matter, exposing the delicate balance between reality and representation


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