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Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014)

Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014)

Wilhem AbreuKeisha Shadè AkinyemiLorena AlemanyEduardo Alvarez Dargam
Kevin O'Neill


Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014) is a English movie. Kevin O'Neill has directed this movie. Wilhem Abreu,Keisha Shadè Akinyemi,Lorena Alemany,Eduardo Alvarez Dargam are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

SHARKTOPUS VS PTERACUDA finds an American scientist up to no good (as usual) by creating the half-pterodactyl, half-barracuda: Pteracuda. When the creature inevitably escapes, it's up to Sharktopus to stop him.

Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014) Reviews

  • Typical SYFY Garbage


    You cant even get camp out of this one . Basically going to the well over and over again with the most ridiculous types of creatures the producers at SYFY can think of and the worst part is people are buying into it like SHARKNADO's incredibly insane popularity . At least we don't have the shameful cameos of has been TV sitcom stars and daytime wakeup TV, can anyone groan at al roker and matt lauers cameos in sharknado. So we have the same tired creature vs creature and lets combine a pterodactyl with a barracuda and bring back the really awful CGI sharktopus creature too. Throw in the same tired B actors and scenes of stupid people screaming instead of running as they are devoured. The ending of course is one of the oldest clichés in the book with the supposedly dead monster/antagonist still alive , in this case sharktopus tentacles wrap around the rails of our heroes boat and jumps right at the camera , mercifully killing the last two bad actors in this movie.

  • Two Monsters Are Better Than One


    Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda (2014) * 1/2 (out of 4) A (what else?) nutty scientist creates a half pterodactyl, half barracuda, which breaks free and goes on a killing rampage. To try and battle it they set free the half shark, half octopuses and soon the two are killing countless swimmers and battling each other. SHARKTOPUS was a pretty bad made-for-TV movie but I'm sure the concept alone got people to tune in so we were greeted with this sequel, which is slightly better but that's really not saying too much. When it comes to these types of movies, one really shouldn't expect quality but instead they should just hope for something entertaining. With that being said, SHARKTOPUS VS. PTERACUDA isn't a complete success but there are enough campy moments to make it worth viewing once if you're a fan of these types of films. The highlight has to be the cameo by Conan O'Brien. O'Brien, the actor, is quite annoying playing himself here as he simply goes too far over-the-top but what follows is quite campy and actually hilarious. I'm not going to ruin his fate or what happens but it's quite funny. Robert Carradine is decent in his role as are Akari Endo and Tony Evangelista as the heroes. There are a lot of fun and gory deaths throughout the running time but after a while the movie really gets boring and it starts off rather poorly. Too many slow moments keep this from being more entertaining.

  • Two monster chimeras; twice the fun.


    The TV movie opens with a flashback to the end of a previous sharktopus film, where the sharktopus is killed, but it manages to cast off a little sharktopus. In the present, Harold has an ocean side resort where he keeps the now grown-up new sharktopus. Lorena is trying to teach the monster new, better behavior. Harold hopes the chimera becomes a hot attraction for his water resort. Former MIT researcher Symes has put together another chimera, pteracuda (pteradactyl plus giant barracuda). Unfortunately, a foreign agent, Vladimir, has hijacked the ability to remote-control the pteracuda. Symes had hoped to sell the pteracuda as a particularly expensive genetic weapon, so losing control of the chimera is a disaster for him. In order to get control back, Symes pays Harold a briefcase full of money for the sharktopus. Subsequently, Symes and Ham kidnap Lorena in the hopes that they can reassert control of the sharktopus. Both chimeras do a lot of damage to human beings. Will the humans ever assert control over them? Will the they be able to put an end to the killing? Will Vladimir be neutralized? Will the Fukushima scenario be implemented? -----Scores----- Cinematography: 7/10 Most of it is rather good. The CGI quality was mixed; some looked sharp and well done, some was truly bad. Sound: 7/10 Neither great nor especially poor. Acting: 5/10 Robert Carradine, Rib Hillis, and Katie Savoy were reasonably good, but most of the others were not so much. Screenplay: 4/10 There was a bit more plot than I expected.

  • The return of Sharktopus with double the stupidity and none of the fun


    Sharktopus was not a great, or even good, movie but it was reasonably fun to watch. The photography is pretty decent, Katie Savoy is a winning presence and the scenery is lovely, other than that Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda fails on all levels and is far too inept to pass for a fun B-movie. The special effects are very cartoonish and look so fake against the background, while the Sharktopus is goofy-looking the Pteracuda fares worse, the dinosaur skeletons in the Natural History Museum's dinosaur exhibition are far more convincing. Neither of them show any personality or menace whatsoever(not unexpected, there's already a long line of personality-less SyFy creatures) other than repeatedly attacking people and each other, only when the Pteracuda slaps Sharktopus do we see any glimmer of a personality, and if Sharktopus was meant to be smart that trait is literally non-existent. The attacks are far too gimmicky, are too predictable to be tense and too cheesy to be fun. The dialogue is so inane it makes the toes curl, anything the American tourist couple say is particularly embarrassing, and the story even for a movie that shouldn't be taken seriously is ridiculousness taken to extremes at the sacrifice of suspense, and because it doesn't do anything with the already over-familiar concept it is extremely predictable as well. The ending felt anti-climatic and abrupt and because things and themes are barely developed and what should make a creature feature work being absent the pacing quickly loses steam and the movie loses interest long before it finishes. The characters are personality-and-development-free, Ham being especially bland. Other than Savoy the acting doesn't work. Robert Carradine's performance consists of either chewing the scenery or being indifferent, on paper it was ideal for him but the performance itself is all over the place. Rib Hillis is disadvantaged by his character being so bland and he sleepwalks his way through his performance, while Conan O'Brien's cameo was just bizarre and felt really tacked on. But the worst acting came from the American tourist couple, their parts are so overacted that they somehow make their already annoying characters even more so. The direction is not incompetent as such but it is very flat and could have been more playful if the execution of the rest of the movie was better. All in all, has two or three things that work a little but Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda is messy stupidity from start to finish. 2/10 Bethany Cox

  • I hope this was a joke.


    If this wasn't a joke, it was sad. The CGI sucked. The writing was awful. By the end of the first hour, there was a dent in the wall from me hitting my head on it. Someone created a shark/octopus hybrid. Someone else created a pterodactyl/barracuda hybrid. Then they both escaped. Now they have to battle to the death in an extremely predictable sci-fi way. The only thing amazing about this movie is that someone funded it. If you can't guess the entire plot from the first five minutes, you deserve to watch the rest of it. Do you like your remaining brain cells? Then avoid this at all cost. Please don't watch this. Even for a bad movie it sucks. I want my two hours back.


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