Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013) is a English movie. has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013) is considered one of the best Science fiction,Adventure movie in India and around the world.
In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.
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Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013) Reviews
The Ultimate fiftieth celebration.
I have just finished watching the doctor's fiftieth anniversary celebration 'The Day of the Doctor' and it is a wonderful tribute to the longest running sci-fi series in history. The fiftieth anniversary is full of 'spoilers', see what I did there. So on the off chance you haven't see it yet, it is the team-up of the two most famous doctors since the reboot in 2005 and has them revisiting the 'moment that defined him' . The TV show lasts one hour and fifteen minutes, a perfect length and is full of twists and turns and brilliant fan service and dialogue. It is a tribute to all the doctors from past, present and future and combines humour, emotion and brilliance in a fabulous concoction. 'The day of the doctor' is a television event that won't easily be forgotten and is the ultimate way to celebrate 50 years.
Steven Moffat's Best Yet?
Steven Moffat has been a mixed bag at times. His scripts for "A Christmas Carol" and "The Girl In The Fireplace" are two of the better episodes in recent years. Sentimentality suits him. But when he goes to great lengths to explain the mythology of Doctor Who and begins creating new connections to the past, he can also be quite wordy. The entire last season has been victimized by this and most of the episodes were less than satisfying. We just want an adventure, not a treatise on Who history or an impossibly tangled web of River Song and a dozen other characters. But this time, he pulled it off. While this past season, topped by "The Name of the Doctor," seemed to be painting him into a plot heavy corner, "The Day of the Doctor" unwinds the whole mess nicely and adds just the right amount of clever twists and, most importantly, delights us with its sense of humor. Suddenly, it all makes sense. To add to the fun, this is one of those times when more doctors actually ratchets up the good time. Plus there's at least one wonderful surprise cameo to top it all off. A good time for all. Highly recommended and makes watching the previous season well worth it. This may be Moffat's best script yet.
Confusion 'No more'
Just finished watching the day of the doctor, and my God!!! I've waited a LONG time to feel what I am felling right now. By far, this episode was the best one yet in the Doctor Who series. Before I saw the episode, I was both excited and worried at the same time because I did not want to be disappointed after waiting for so long to see it after watching the teaser trailer. But Setven Moffat pulled it off, and in a way you can never imagine. He takes us for a ride into the realms of Gallifrey with such detail and yet with the hint of humor. I can swear that there were more than one instance where I had tears of joy in my eyes. This is by far the only episode/show/movie where I have given a solid 10 on 10 on IMDb till date. If you haven't seen it yet, mark my words, "you are in for a treat".
Doctor Who Considered as an exhibit for Sydney's "In Defense of Poesie"
In my reviews of various episodes of Doctor Who I try to take a balanced view, to place each particular episode in the context of the series and to highlight some particular aspect of the production. So, when I first thought about this review, I thought that it would include references to other anniversary shows, the Anniversary Season, the one-shot DIMENSIONS IN TIME, which was so something-for-everyone that it wound up having to be written out of continuity. Then I saw this episode and the constant assault of jokes and catchphrases, of old, ridiculous scarves and space-time telegraphs, of cameo appearances by Significant Players, of Daleks and Zygons and members of the Lethbridge-Stewart family, as well as the pleasure of watching Matt Smith and David Tennant wrangle under the grumpy eye of John Hurt -- which recalls William Hartnell grumbling at successors Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee for a clown and a fop -- well, my critical faculties just went into overload and broke down. I was just another geeky fanboy having a great time and I don't care who knows it. And now that I think about it: what's wrong with that assessment? The answer is: nothing. This is what escapist fantasy like Doctor Who is supposed to do: lift us out of ourselves, give us and hour or so free from the weight of the world. That is what this episode does and does brilliantly. If there is a serious message hidden in there -- and I believe there is -- then that is well and good. As W.S. Gilbert had one of the characters in his comic operettas with Arthur Sullivan say, "He who'd make his fellow creature wise must always gild the philosophic pill." But even if you don't see it, the Fiftieth Anniversary Special is great escapist fun. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to watch it again.
SPOILER FREE REVIEW - An amazing journey with the Doctor!
Going into this 50th anniversary episodes, I expected three things: multiple doctors, the return of beloved references and characters for the fans, and a whole ton of fun. "The Day of the Doctor" delivered that and so much more. From the absolutely brilliant banter, to the amazing special effects, everything was perfect. And the best part is, they didn't let those things eclipse the true heart of the story- the Doctor himself, and who he perceives himself to be. This is an amazing episode that will be cherished, revered, and most of all, REMEMBERED, in the many years to come. Happy 50th, Doctor Who. It has been well worth the wait. 10/10