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Uncle Buck (1989)

Uncle Buck (1989)

John CandyMacaulay CulkinJean Louisa KellyGaby Hoffmann
John Hughes


Uncle Buck (1989) is a English movie. John Hughes has directed this movie. John Candy,Macaulay Culkin,Jean Louisa Kelly,Gaby Hoffmann are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1989. Uncle Buck (1989) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

As an idle, good-natured bachelor, Uncle Buck is the last person you would think of to watch the kids. However, during a family crisis, he is suddenly left in charge of his nephew and nieces. Unaccustomed to suburban life, fun-loving Uncle Buck soon charms his younger relatives Miles and Maizy with his hefty cooking and his new way of doing the laundry. His carefree style does not impress everyone though - especially his rebellious teenage niece, Tia, and his impatient girlfriend, Chanice. With a little bit of luck and a lot of love, Uncle Buck manages to surprise everyone in this heartwarming family comedy.


Uncle Buck (1989) Reviews

  • Here's a quarter. Go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face.


    Candy's best performance ever. As hard as it is to pick a favorite role that John Candy ever portrayed, I'd have to say it was Uncle Buck. Although this wasn't the only title he and Culkin ever shared, it was the only film the two ever shared any time on screen together. Basic plot: Candy's sister-in-law's father has just had a heart attack in the middle of the night and the two parents rush trying to find someone to watch the kids for them while they hop the next flight to go see her father. In a desperate last resort, they call the husband's brother. Buck. Of course, the concerned uncle comes to the rescue and takes the task with no complaint. However, the oldest of the children doesn't care for her bumbling uncle, and the discipline and protection he places upon her, while her parents are away. A great heart-warming comedy that will make you laugh and possibly even cry at times. A classic, and certainly a triumph that wouldn't have happened without John Candy. Hollywood truly lost a great actor. I give this movie a 9 out of 10. One of the funniest and most wonderful stories, but not my favorite. And that's my review.

  • Uncomplicated simple and pleasant


    I gave this an '8', which is one or two more points than it really should get, but the simple fact is - I enjoy watching it over and over. John Candy shines as Uncle Buck. He brings the character alive and you can't help but wish you had a crazy guy like that as an uncle. Well, maybe a distant uncle, but still he's warm, lovable and helpless in so many ways. As one would expect, the story is simple, the scenes mostly predictable (except maybe the ax-murder scene?) and of course there's a happy ending. The little kids, Maisy and Miles, played by Gaby Hoffman and a slightly younger Macaulay Culkin, are simply adorable! The teenage daughter (Jean Louisa Kelly) perfectly portrays a teenage girl in the throws of that classic imbalance between childhood and adulthood. Anyway - no one dies. No one loses an eye or an arm. No houses burn down. There are no explosions, no fighter jet scenes, no wild car chases - just plain old silly fun. Go watch it. This is not a request! Uncle Buck says watch it!



    Simply Candy's best film, second only to Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Only hughes knew what to do with Candy. He is completely charming as a total hapless slob who invades his newphew and neices life. Every scene in this film is memorable! Its sad such a comic genius is no longer with us, but he will always be rememered. If you see only one John Candy movie make it UNCLE BUCK.

  • Underrated Gem

    Big Movie Fan2002-12-02

    There isn't really much to be said about Uncle Buck. It is very good but it is a simple little film, one of those nice films to watch on a Sunday afternoon without having to rack your brain or think too hard. The late John Candy excels here as Buck Russell who at first glance is a slob and without much going for him. However, as the film goes on, we learn that Uncle Buck does indeed have a heart. The film really is about a guy who looks like the type of man you would keep your family away from but who is in fact a guy with a heart of gold. I recommend Uncle Buck to anyone who fancies watching a nice simple little film for the whole family to enjoy. And watch out for the scene with the drunken clown on the doorstep!

  • John Candy is BRILLIANT as Uncle Buck.


    Uncle Buck is a brilliant and fun comedy for everyone. John Candy plays Uncle Buck, a guy who has to look after his brothers children for a while, as his brother and sister-in-law have to go away. The kids include a rebellious teen, Tia, and two sweet young kids, Maisy and Miles. As well as the great Joh Candy starring here, the just as great Gaby Hoffmann and Macaulay Culkin also star in this movie. I give Uncle Buck a 10/10.


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